
Social contagion, violence, and suicide among adolescents

Social contagion, violence, and suicide among adolescents

Police violence as punishment: Does excessive use of force serve to punish those who threaten status and power hierarchies in society?

Why do some people view excessive police violence as acceptable? We reason that excessive police violence not only seeks to control crime, but also to punish criminal offenders. We propose the concept of police violence for punishment and explore its associations with different forms of punishment and punishment motivations. We reason that some people support excessive police violence to reinforce status and power hierarchies with minority groups.

Data Collection With Indigenous People: Fieldwork Experiences From Chile

Data Collection With Indigenous People: Fieldwork Experiences From Chile

Cultural Collectivism and Tightness Moderate Responses to Norm Violators: Effects on Power Perception, Moral Emotions, and Leader Support

Cultural Collectivism and Tightness Moderate Responses to Norm Violators: Effects on Power Perception, Moral Emotions, and Leader Support

Representations of history and present-day intergroup relations between indigenous and non-indigenous people: The Mapuche in Chile

Representations of history and present-day intergroup relations between indigenous and non-indigenous people: The Mapuche in Chile

On the justification of intergroup violence: The roles of procedural justice, police legitimacy, and group identity in attitudes toward violence among indigenous people

On the justification of intergroup violence: The roles of procedural justice, police legitimacy, and group identity in attitudes toward violence among indigenous people

Justifying violence: legitimacy, ideology and public support for police use of force

Justifying violence: legitimacy, ideology and public support for police use of force

Development and validation of a scale of support for violence in the context of intergroup conflict (SVIC): The case of violence perpetrated by Mapuche people and the police in Chile

Attitudes Toward Punishment

Public Opinion Towards the Lay Magistracy and the Sentencing Council Guidelines: The Effects of Information on Attitudes

Public Opinion Towards the Lay Magistracy and the Sentencing Council Guidelines: The Effects of Information on Attitudes